Dehydration Effects on Body: Water Challenge

drinkingwaterDrink before you’re thirsty! Once you are feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. It’s your body telling you to get re-hydrated. Your body is roughly 60 percent water, and most people walk around daily dehydrated to some degree. That means our bodies are not functioning to their highest degrees.

So what exactly does that effect?

1) Digestion
Water helps flush out bacteria and waste. Your kidneys do a fantastic job of cleansing your body of toxins, as long as they have adequate water. If you’re not getting enough water your urine will be dark colored and have an odor because your kidneys are trapping other fluids to help with bodily functions. If you are getting enough fluids your urine will be light to clear colored and odor-free.

2) Memory
Your brain is composed of nearly 85 percent water and depends on an abundance of water to function. If your brain is lacking water you’ll suffer from fuzzy short-term memory loss, hard time focusing, and trouble solving math problems. When provided with enough water our brains are fueled, oxygenated, and can operate optimally.

3) Mood
Even mild dehydration can affect your mood, ability to think clearly, and your energy level. Lack of water can make you grumpy and confused. If you want to happy and think clearer, drink more water.

4) Immune System
Water helps keep your mouth and eyes clean. It helps repel parasites that might cause infection. It also helps remove toxins from your bloodstream.

5) Skin
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Keeping your body properly hydrated can make your skin glowing and can also improve the texture, making it smoother. Water helps repair and build new cells properly. Water also helps your skin do its job to regulate body temperature through sweating.

How much are you supposed to drink? 
Take your body weight and divide it by two. That’s how many ounces you’re supposed to drink a day. Example: If you weight 160 lbs., that divided by two is 80. Try to drink 80 ounces a day.

Water Challenge
Starting 03/21/15, I am going to take pictures of my skin and then drink 65 ounces of water a day for a month. I’ll do another post 30 days from now with an update of my results. You do the same! Share your results.


Kidneys | Mood | ImmuneSkin |

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